Meditation Retreat |...
Meditation Retreat | Tibetan Buddhism

Boaz Amichay
Price: price info in teachers publication
Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Retreat is offered in a package that includes the retreat, 6-night accommodation in family hotels in the nearby sea-side village of Ambelas and daily breakfast, lunch & dinner.
For prices, packages details & registration please check the retreat page on Boaz Amichay blog.
Tao’s Center is hosting Boaz Amichay for his Meditation Retreat.
The retreat program follows the principles of Tibetan Buddhism, and includes practice of sitting and walking meditations – indoors and outdoors – Teachings and Yoga practice.
The 6-day retreat daily schedule offers full days of practice, breakfast, lunch & dinner. Please check this link for a detailed schedule.
The retreat is given in Hebrew.
Boaz Amichay has been studying and practicing Tibetan Buddhism for over 20 years. Coming back from Dharamsala, India, where he started his Buddhist way, he established with friends the Dharma Friends of Israel Foundation and completed his PhD in Buddhist Studies. Currently he teaches various courses and retreats, and escorts individuals suffering from terminal diseases.
For full info & registration (Hebrew) please check the retreat page on Boaz Amichay blog.