Biodanza with Sylvie
Biodanza with Sylvie
Sylvie Tempel
Price: price info in teachers publication
The Biodanza Workshop is offered in a package that includes the workshop, daily breakfast & lunch / dinner, and 5-night accommodation in the near-by village of Ambelas.
For full details about the retreat & registration please check this link or contact Sylvie:
Tao’s Center is hosting Sylvie Tempel for her Biodanza workshop.
The Biodanza workshop is an opportunity for participants to deepen their Biodanza experience. The unique practice hall of Tao’s Center and the surrounding beauty of Paros Island are a perfect space for such an experience.
The retreat schedule includes morning, noon & afternoon sessions, breakfast, lunch / dinner and free magical island time.
Check this link for a detailed schedule.
Sylvie Tempel is a co-founder of the School of Biodanza in Israel (2008) and is its director since 2014.
Being raised in Brazil, Biodanza became her passion later in life, leaving other occupations aside and dedicating herself to teaching Biodanza lessons and workshops, in Israel and Europe.
For full details about the retreat & registration please check this link or contact Sylvie: